Legal warning

Legal notice general statement on compliance with the requirements for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing., in order to prevent the involuntary use of the company to conceal the illegal origin of funds, as well as to comply with legal obligations to the extent necessary, has specific policies established in matters of prevention of money laundering and financing of criminal and terrorist activities., is headquartered in Tallinn (Estonia), is under the supervision of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism, as well as other regulations of the banking, financial and insurance system, and the corresponding directives of the European Union.

 Estonia is a member country of the committee of experts on the evaluation of anti-money laundering measures (MONEYVAL) since December 12, 2008, MONEYVAL was originally an observer of the FATF and since June 2006 it became an associate member ...

The objective of these laws is to detect and prevent money laundering and potential terrorist financing.

The money laundering prevention department (DPBC) of carries out a program designed to comply with Estonian laws against money laundering as a minimum standard for the entity, as well as all the guidelines, regulations and laws related to the prevention of money laundering, terrorist financing and related financial crimes.

This includes written policies and procedures, an automated control system, the appointment of a person responsible for the prevention of money laundering, a client acceptance policy that includes activities or operations that the entity does not wish to carry out, a program of identification of clients, an ongoing training program and an independent audit to examine the implementation of the program. Similarly, it has the existence of an internal control and communication body in charge of defining and developing policies for the prevention of money laundering, and it works in collaboration with the Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering. and Monetary Offenses, in accordance with the provisions of the Law.


The security of transactions may be compromised due to circumstances independent of our service. To avoid this, we recommend that you read the following electronic currency conversion rules:

Do not send cryptocurrencies to unknown sites, no matter how good the offer is, do not fall for scams, always remember that cryptocurrency transactions cannot be returned, once sent there is no right to returns.
Be very careful when filling in the recipient's "Account Number" or "Wallet" field. If you have made a mistake, you are sending your own money to an unknown address without the possibility of its return;
Never make loans using "irrevocable" electronic payment systems. In this case, the risk of facing the fact of fraud is extremely high;
If you are offered to make a payment in a way other than that specified in the instructions for use of our service, you will refuse to execute the payment and will report the incident to our expert. The same applies to payments in applications that were not created by you.
Give up the transaction of funds, which are owned by third parties, through their own bank accounts. There are cases when conducting such a transaction for a fee led to the fact that the account holder became an accessory to a financial crime, without being aware of the malice on the part of the scams;
Always verify the information that arrives in your mail with the clerk at the exchange office.
We will never request information about your access codes of any kind, if you receive an email requesting confidential information, you can always write to support in your user or by Email: [email protected] to corroborate this request. Don't fall for scams.
Our services do not provide loans, do not take money from people in debt or with interest, and do not accept donations. When you receive messages of a suspicious nature on our behalf with details similar to ours or other details, avoid implementing these requirements there and report what happened to our Support Team at [email protected] or via the website https: / /

Taking care of your financial well-being. team